Interview with Marcus Paul Goldfinch, CEO of GEORGE NEWS and Flat Earther

First of all, how can fans find you, Marcus Paul Goldfinch?

Call me MG. Or Marcus Paul. Friends call me MG and I consider you all friends.

My Instagram is: @georgedotnews

I am here to tell you that the world is flat and the world is true, and Donald Trump know the truth and will reveal, as told to us by Qanon.

How did you find the flat earth? Were you always a truther?
I considered myself woke long before this. I listened to Alex Jones religiously but when Eddie Dravo dropped the F-bomb, I knew this was something to pay attention to.

Why do you find Eddie Bravo to be more credible than Alex Jones?

Unlike Alex, Eddie is not beholden to anyone. Full disclosure, I'm speaking as someone who knows Eddie personally. Eddie and Joey

And so far, he's not a back-tracking sellout like Rogan either. So he said the earth is flat and under a protective dome made of emeralds and magic, I knew it was time to level up.

Why don't more people know about the flat earth?

The planes are dropping fluoride into our lungs to make us dumbed down and pliable.

Are you a Christian?

Oh yea. Flat Earth made me a Christian. And if you're not a flat earther, you're not a Christian.

I didn't believe it until I read Eric Dubay's 200 proofs the world is not a ball, then I re-read the Bible.

Is the Bible a Flat Earth Book?

The bible is flat. And if you read it, clearly states that God made the world flat 

The bible makes it clear that the world is stationary and flat. The 8 inches per mile curve isn't there.

the sun and planets can't be a heavy ball in the sky cause they would fall down.

Are the Planets Flat too?

Planets didn't exist until recent times. Those are just lights. Also, The wizards at Cern used the Mandela Effect to put "planets" in the bible to deceive the Christians in these End Times. 

What is the Mandela Effect have to do with planets?

The word planets were put into the bible recently by a time line-shift caused by Cern.

Thoughts on Gravity?

Wet Soccer balls prove water doesn't stick to a ball, a.k.a. Dels Theorem. He was attempting to re-create the Cavendish experiment in his shed with soccer balls when it occurred to him it would be simpler to disprove gravity than to prove it. This is when he wet the balls and noted the plain as day fact that water can't stick to a ball.

Who benefits? 

Jews like Einstein invented gravity to trick the goyim into worshiping scientists.
It's only logical to know who controls everything.

Favorite FE Proof

"watch a boat till it vanishes at the horizon. you can always bring it back, just elevate the camera a little and zoom further in. it's back!"

Favorite FE movie?

Behind the Curve .

Favorite Flat Earther?

My favorite flat earther is Authentic Intent, Joshua Swift, who is living in Thailand with Eric Dubay. I admire his tenacity. Not even a long prison sentence will deter him from converting the youth.

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