"RACE WARS": CHAPTERS 1-10 A Novella by Marcus Paul Goldfinch, CEO of George.News #MAGA #KEG

Chapter 1 --- Social Justice

The "Honorable" Louis Farrakhan wiped the sweat

from his brow. It was time to give the signal. This

was the time and it was his role to explain to his

people what must be done. He surveyed the

audience from behind thick lenses. Strong , angry

youth packed the bleachers. They all wore

identical hoodies and their faces bore the same

grim expression.

"My Brother and Sisters, let us look closely at the

order within the seeming chaos. A holy chaos

which Allah has prepared for us. This is not a time

to mourn, not a time to fear; this is a time to trust.

We must trust each other first and foremost. We

must trust our black brothers and black sisters, for

we know that the days of the white devil are at an

end. Yes, the End of Days is here." The youth

were all African-Americans. They nodded

vigorously at the words of their leader. The

tension in the air was palpable. He continued:

"The End of Days is the time when Allah

pronounces His judgement upon the white devil,

the mischief maker, the sons of the evil one. It is

the end of their day, not ours Brothers and Sisters!

For six thousand years, the white devils have

ensnared our people, enslaved our people, raped

our people! Now, I am giving the sign. You heard

it here first! It's time to end black on black

violence and direct it to righteousness. Your anger

has been misdirected. For too long the whites

turned black on black, given us crack, mass

abortion, slavery, dependence, illiteracy, syphilis,

and degeneracy. Now it is time to throw off the

chains and to take back what WE built!" He

slammed his fist on the pulpit.

The crowd cheered its assent, for America was

indeed theirs. This was their promised land. The

Transatlantic Slave trade was a Trojan horse, for

Allah had planned all along that the Black Man

would triumph over the present world darkness.

The suffering of the black man was put into a

broader historical context that night, and these

young men saw themselves not as thugs or

criminals but as liberators, soldiers, and heroes.

Again, the race demagogue wiped his glistening

brow. The room became silent, expectant. "Even

now as I speak, our people are being liberated. All

the prisons are opening their gates and the streets

of America will soon run red with the blood of the

White Capitalists, blood which they first drained

from our ancestors!....."

The soldiers were told overtly what had been

insinuated in the mass media for decades. The

genocide to come was not spontaneous. They

never are. These children were born to hate the

Infidel, to kill the Infidel, and to inherit the New

World. A world with New Rulers. The way it has

always been: Total slavery for all.

The message they recieved contained an implicit

directive. It instructed them that the American

Mind must be erased, that American

Exceptionalism is a failed, idealistic experiment,

for humanity is not upwardly mobile--it's a

kneeling, grovelling animal. For the goals of racial

fascism and world totalitarianism to succeed,

Freedom must go to Hell.

The Soldiers of Allah were supplied with

machetes, m-16's, and marijuana. Their appetite

for the coming struggle wasn't the selfish,

small-minded hunger of the looter or thug. No,

their zeal stemmed from the righteousness they felt

for finally doing justice to their ancestors. This

was Social Justice, and it was ordained by the

truest and severest of all Judges, Allah.

Chapter 2 --- Black Friday

Whether the flash mobs brought the violence or

the violence brought the flash mobs, the results

were the same: random carnage orchestrated by

mass-text message via government issued

Obama-phones. As to the originator of the

hate-texts was King Samir Shabaz, leader of the

New Black Panther Party acting at the behest of the

Department of Social Justice (the restructured

Department of Justice, courtesy of King Obama's

permanent cabinet).

Alex was not a mall goer and even on the rare

occasion when he had the money to purchase new

clothes, he tended to buy from Walmart. Prices he

could afford, basic designs,  nothing gaudy, and

most of all, he could avoid the strutting peacocks

and trendy mall-punks. He located three matching

pairs of non-pleated black slacks. He was alone,

which was unusual these days for "crackers." He

knew he ran the risk of getting beaten up but that

was unlikely. First of all, the black flash mobs

don't attack the younger white males; they tended

to go for the weak, the elderly, and females.

Second, Alex was still in denial that these

increasingly frequent events were evidence of a

race war. This was America afterall. The least

racist nation on least it seemed so before

King Obama was enthroned by George Soros and

the World Illuminati Network (the WIN).

Making his way to the self-checkout counter, he

noted a swarm of youth entering from both the

entrance and exit doors, blocking any shoppers

from leaving. Oddly enough, they appeared to be

inspecting bags. Alex scanned his purchases and

paused when he heard a scream followed by

shouting. The youth were confiscating bags of

purchased goods from the shoppers and a blonde

haired, blue eyed pregnant woman was on the

ground screaming as several of youth were

dragging her away by her legs. Another youth, an

exceptionally large male in a hoodie picked up her

husband by the neck and threw him down

roughly, yelling, "This is for Trayvon! We're

gonna kill your cracker ass baby!" A blood

curdling cry could be heard above the din as the

youth mob flooded into the store.

Alex's instinct was to help the people being hurt

but his reason took over. The mob was

single-minded entity and had all the legal authority

to conduct its business. To oppose the youth mobs

was to risk incarceration if not worse. Shopping

carts were overturned, children and their parents

terrorized, televisions were carted out the the door,

and all the while, the youth took every opportunity

to beat up the shoppers to the unanimous battle cry

"THIS IS FOR TRAYVON!" Alex ran to the

sporting goods aisle, two youth hot on his heels.

He looked up at the security camera, imagining the

NSA spies tracking him, daring him to resist. He

understood that to not accept the "beat down" to

come was to risk being dragged out of his

apartment in the night and charged with "terrorism"

and "resisting social justice."

This wasn't the first such mob attack to occur---but

the media blackout  made the sheer extent of the

problem an open secret. To mention it was to be

accused of  racism, which meant re-education if

not forced labor. Alex was fed up with the tyranny

of political correctness.

He grabbed a Louisville slugger and about-faced

as the two African-Americans in hoodies closing in

on him. They both bore striking resemblances to

King Obama---had his highness sired male

progeny, they would undoubtedly look like these

two youths.

He swung that bat twice, hitting two home-runs.

He trampled over the unconscious, bleeding

bodies and sprinted to the door.

The mob was busy looting and all around the

non-black victims lay bleeding. Alex was

determined to check upon the pregnant woman

who was initially dragged away. Her husband was

rolling on the ground clutching at his broken legs.

She was lying still in the corner, her clutching

herself and staring blankly at the wall. Two youth

stood over her jeering, one saying to the other,

"Heh...White girl bleed a lot." She wasn't merely

staring. She was dead. Alex crept up behind the

two sadists and went to work with the Louisville


The metal bat rang like a bell as it slammed into

skull. It rang like the Liberty Bell itself.There was

no turning back. The counter-revolution had


Chapter 3: Bash and Slash

Reverend Al Sharpton addressed the camera, his

final address before tomorrow's One Hundred

City Protest. This video missive would be on

every Obama-phone simultaneously and would be

the catalyst for the inter-racial violence which

would justify the response by FEMA, which he

and the other black leaders sought. Their goals

were consistent with the W.I.N.'s agenda.

"Brothers and Sisters, it is apparent that until as

many white teenagers die as do blacks, society

will be an unjust society. Blood for blood, life for

life, for every Trayvon we know about there are

many more which have gone unnoticed over the

past four-hundred years."

The reverend's stark white hair slicked back with

three ounces of Murray's Superior Hair Dressing

Pomade imbued him with the dignity and gravitas

of a man who has seen death, war, poverty, and

hopelessness. He was bigger than Nelson

Mandela. He was even bigger than Morgan

Freeman.  Yes, the reverend's time had come.

Watching this video, one might think that the

reverend was himself a former slave. His was the

most indignant and rightous face to ever grace

cable network news.

"Now is the time to throw off your chains! For too

long we have allowed the devils to oppress our

people. From this day forward, we must not allow

a single Caucasian to wield the power of white

privilege. No more will wicked Jew devils like

Zimmerman stalk our babies through the streets,

lynching the best and the brightest of our young.

No, those days are over. Now, it is time take back

what is ours, what is owed to us!"

The video ended with a still shot of Revernd Al

Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Eric Holder, King

Obama, The Honorable Louis Farakhan, and King

Shabazz, all marching together, their right fists

raised up in defiance of white power and

institutional racism.  As it concluded, a voice-over

gave the final call to action:

"When you march down the sidewalks tomorrow,

remember, we are marching with you. No one will

stop you, the police will not dare stand up to any

one of us. Walk as the Kings you are! We are not

slaves, we are the original race, all the others are

de-evolutionary spin-offs. We are the new school,

they is the old school..."


It was obvious to Alex that wherever the black

mobs were gathered, the police were absent. Thus,

he was able to leave Walmart, bloody baseball bat

in hand, and drive away without any fear of being

caught for his actions inside. Of course being

white, he was a targeted for arrest anyway. The

Obama administration had issued a de facto

pogrom against whites under which the blacks

could act with impunity.

He sped his red Ford Ranger across the parking lot

and sure enough, there were buses full of black

men arriving even as he left. Looking back, he saw

that the entrances and exits to the Walmart were

blocked. The blacks that were filing in were

wearing hoodies and carrying machetes. The

White Genocide had begun and there was no one

to call to for help, even if he had owned a phone.

Being white, he didn't qualify for an

Obama-phone, and in this economy it wasn't

feasible to buy one.

Minutes later, he was lost in the busy downtown

traffic. He pulled into a drug-store parking lot,

searching among the cars for the one belonging to

Diane, his girlfriend of six months. He spotted it.

There wasn't anything out of the ordinary

happening on this side of town.  Not at the

moment anyway.

He chose to leave the baseball bat in the back of

the truck and ran inside. He grabbed a backback

off a shelf and two hoodies from the clothing

rack--they bore the high school football team's

mascot (a Spartan). Into the backpack he stuffed a

case of bottled waters, several high-protein candy

bars, and all the beef jerky and Red Bull's he

could fit.

He rushed to the pharmaceutical counter. "Diane?"

An African-American woman in blue scrubs

approached the counter, beaming with joy.
"Alex! What a surprise, I was just thinking about

you!" She leaned forward for a kiss. Their lips

touched and the events of the last half hour

disappeared from his mind for the moment.

"Diane, it's time to go. The Department of Social

Justice is bussing in an army of killers!" She

looked into his eyes and then at the blood splatters

on his shirt and pants. He put the hoodie on and

handed her the other. "There's no time. People are

being butchered! Let's go." She shook her head

slowly, eyes squinted. This was too unbelievable,

even given the excesses of the youth mobs over

the last five years. Could they have turned


The electronic doorbell rang several times in rapid

succession as a dozen people or more entered in a

tight formation. Diane and Alex looked up at the

mirrors up on the walls, placed strategically to

give the managers the ability to monitor their

customers. The group which now blocked the

door wore hoodies and carried weapons.

Machetes, iron pipes, knives, and more.

She threw on the hoodie, no longer questioning his

claim. He jumped the counter and together they

crept toward the drive-up window. He led, she

followed, out the window and directly towards his

truck. Sure enough, a bus was parked in front of

the drugstore, its armed occupants filing out after

an orderly fashion.

Screams emanated from within, screams which

chilled Alex and Diane to the bone. There was no

option available to them, no one to call for help.

They pulled their hoods on and kept their heads

down. Once in his truck they locked the doors,

both sighing in relief as they exited the lot. Neither

dared to look back.

Driving to their shared apartment, they passed two

other buses headed towards their own bloody

destinations. Neither had the inclination to raise

their faces to look at the occupants. Alex kept his

mind on the road, mentally taking inventory of his

gun safe which his father had left to him.

Alex's disdain for guns and the gun-culture was

replaced with a belated sense of gratitude for the

values which his father tried to impress upon him.

In his youthful arrogance, he had often criticized

the very notion of gun ownership in advanced

societies, after all, the police provided all the

protection the citizenry needed, right?

His father's voice rang in his mind clearly and

poignantly from beyond the grave: "Alex, don't be

naive. Gun control is about social control. If they

take our guns, we lose our ability to defend our

property, beginning with our bodies. If you can't

defend yourself you are a slave or you're dead."

Chapter 4  #Going Dorner

De'Marquise Elkins was awakened by the sound of

the Obama-phone's emergency signal. The

smartphone screen had a phrase preceded by a

number sign. This phrase reached millions in

De'Marquise's demographic: poor, black, young,

and unemployed.  It granted them a license to vent

and to take what was rightfully theirs:


It was from Eric J Holder's Twitter account. All

messages from the Department of Social Justice

were to be taken as direct orders. No further

prompting was necessary. De'Marquise


"@DOSJ, I'm bout to give back to the community


Many other similar tweets flooded the

twittersphere, few as cryptic, fewer still even

remotely grammatically correct. There was a sense

of competition of the good-natured kind. Everyone

wanted to outdo everyone else; tweets promising

rapes,arson, stabbings, looting, and worse. The

Department of Social Justice added a follow up

tweet: "One more thing kids. Pics, or it didn't

happen!   #GOINGDORNER  ."

The expression "Going Dorner" had come to

define a new kind of spree killing. Unlike the

random spree killing, this new strategy is more

strictly terroristic---as opposed to merely

deranged---in that there is an explicit political or

social message attached to it, and the individuals

committing the acts are in a dialogue with their

targets, usually through letters written to

newspapers or entire manifestos uploaded onto the


"Going Dorner" in the context of social justice

however, was an expressly racially motivated

killing spree, named for the fallen Los Angeles

police officer who exacted revenge at the

department which fired him, specifically those

who had discriminated against him for being a

black man. The youth were Going Dorner for


De'Marquise, nineteen, rushed out the front door

where he was joined by Lamar, who was

fourteen. Together, they ran to the park and

headed directly toward the first white person they

saw: a young mother pushing a stroller.

De'Marquise blocked her path. A little baby,

perhaps a year old, smiled at the black brothers.

He addressed its mother.

"Give me your goddamned money, cracker bitch!"

He pointed a gun at her face. "Give me your

money or I will kill your cracker baby!" She

cringed and De'Marquise pulled the trigger. The

explosion temporarily stunned the woman and her

baby began wailing. The round grazed her cheek.

Lamar was reaching for her purse.

"I don't have any money. Here take my Android!"

She handed her smartphone to Lamar. Lamar

shoved it roughly back at her.

"The Obama-phone's better than that shit, bitch!"

Lamar punched the baby in the stomach. She

protested, screaming as she reached for her baby.

De'Marquis fired again, this time shooting her

thigh. She slumped on the ground and watched

helplessly, horrified, mortified, and disheartened

as the teen fired a round into the stroller, silencing

her cracker baby. Lamar used his Obama-phone to

upload a picture of the bloody scene to his twitter


The youth pulled their hoodies on and headed

towards the downtown business districts. Lamar

was proud to have pulled of a heist with his elder

brother. "De'Marquise, why dint we jest rape dat

bitch too?" They both looked back at the park. The

wounded woman was attempting to give the dead

baby CPR which would be futile, for it scarcely

had a face left.

There were no police in the area. They were

concentrated downtown where the massive looting

was occurring. Rape was fair game. De'Marquise

looked at his younger, virgin brother. "That's my

boy."Together, they confidently swaggered back

to the park, eager to claim their just reward.

Chapter 5:  Heroics and Hoaxes

George Zimmerman sulked in the back of the

gas-guzzling sports utility vehicle, clutching the

fire-extinguisher to his chest the way a petulant

child would cling to a teddy bear for moral

support. Although the bullet-proof windows were

tinted so dark as to render its passengers invisible,

he still felt exposed. Each of the three men on were

high value targets. George had a ten thousand

dollar bounty on his head and his brother Robert,

while not as reviled, was nonetheless as high

profile a target due to his thirteen consecutive

appearances on the Piers Morgan show. But most

of all, it was the driver who had the most to fear if

his personal location was to be twittered to the

liberal fascist mobs: Sean Hannity.

Sean was at the wheel. After all, this was his sports

utility vehicle or the "Hannibot Brigade Mobile

Assault Vehicle" as "she" was called."This is all

Dana's fault George. I told that broad to have the

fuse on the incendiaries lit before they arrived at

the crash scene. Never leave the pyrotechnics to

the broads. Maybe one of her stupid kids should

have handled that for her." Sean was fuming. "I'll

have to remind myself to slap one of the

housekeepers today. All broads are but different

manifestations of the same incompentent she-bitch.

It doesn't matter which one you punish. Any sense

you can knock into a one--anywhere in the

world--is a boon to men everywhere. Pass me the

joint Robert, you selfish twit."

Robert was nonplussed by Sean's sadistic

good-natured ribbing. "Hey George! It was still a

dramatic rescue. Don't fret. Brad Thor scripted the

whole thing and he wrote it for plausibility as well

as for dramatic effect. Fox will report that you

saved a family of four. Remember, narrative is all

that matters!"

"Oh leave him alone," Sean chided,"George has

nothing to fear."  He made eye contact with the

cherubic night-watchmen in the rear-view mirror.

"Assuming they could find a rope with the tensile

strength necessary to support your bulk---how are

they going to hang you if your neck is thicker than

your head?" He laughed boisterously, a

mechanical, obnoxious sound. The two brothers

remained stoic.

"Sean the operation was botched. Nobody will

believe it." George finally broke his sulk.

"George, let me explain this one more time. Those

who hate you will always assume you are lying.

Those who support you will always believe your

lies. It's that simple.Truth or believability has

nothing to do with it. Trust me, I'm the second

biggest conservative talk radio host in the world.

Now pass back the Skittles already. My lean lacks

flava." He held up a tumbler filled with a soupy

mix of cough syrup, watermelon juice, and bits of


George set aside the fire extinguisher and extended

his arm for Robert to grab the bag of Skittles. Just

as the candy changed hands, Sean hit the gas

pedal, slamming George back into his seat and

propelling the gas guzzling Assault Vehicle down

the freeway at well over the posted speed limit.

Sean's erratic behavior unnerved the brothers but

not half as much as the radio talk show host's

twisted humor, which he inflicted upon them

mercilessly. He took a swig of the purplish drink

followed by a deep drag of the joint.  Smoke

billowing out of his nostrils, he shared another

racially tinged joke: "Why do black flash mobs

always get away with robbery and mayhem?"

George: " bias? Political correctness?"

Robert: "Perhaps they are being allowed to get

away with it in order to prepare them to be

Obama's Brown Shirts?"

Sean shook his head. "Those are both interesting

answers and I'll probably use those on my show,

but no that's not it. Black flash mobs never get

caught because the perpetrators all look the same."

Sean laughed. Robert's eyes widened and George

paled, giving new meaning to the term


For the first time since the killing of Trayvon,

George was beginning to question if the side of

justice was indeed just, or if there perhaps was

something valid and righteous about the

spontaneous eruptions of black on white violence

tearing apart the fabric of the nation. For the first

time since since pulling that trigger, he wondered if

things might not have turned out better had his

skull been cracked open upon the sidewalk that

ill-fated rainy February night. But most of all, he

vowed to get back into shape, if for no other

reason then to put an end to the demeaning fat

jokes. Such was the mindset of the insecure

security guard: his hero complex placed his image

management at the same level of importance as the

murder he committed. It was as though the entire

Fox Universe had made George its centre, he was

its Ceasar, its Ruler, he was officially a Bad Ass.
All he lacked was the coronation. But with the

assistence of Sean Hannity and the army of

Conservative Talk Radio hosts, he would get that

recognition, even if it meant becoming the face of

the counter-revolution. George was in the know.

He knew all about the W.I.N. and their race war

agenda. "The greatest emporers crown

themselves," Sean had told him, quoting Napolean

Bonaparte following a long night of drinking at a

private party--along with a number of other

dissident voices. Hal Turner, Alex Jones, and

David Duke were in attendance.

George always felt like he was destined for

greatness. Standing there in that echo-chamber, he

became convinced of it.

Chapter 6: Wolf Pack

The mob gained speed when it spotted its next

target. The three youths trailing behind the leader

were in their mid-teens. He was in his early

twenties and they followed his orders

unquestioningly. "Dis cracker gon git sum uh wuh

we got!" They were at a full sprint, whooping,

laughing, and grinning menacingly.

Their target, an elderly Caucasian, was

approaching a bus stop at a leisurely pace,

evidentially unaware that Milwaukee too was

responding to the injustice of the George

Zimmerman acquittal. The concept of racial

retaliation was alien to his worldview.

Unfortunately, his worldview was being

challanged by a new paradigm, a zeigeist which

called for blood and there was no shortage of

righteously indignant blacks ready to take up the


Chris Simpson heard the mob before he saw it. He

felt it before he saw it. He nearly lost

consciousness in the blur of black skinned youth

in grey hoodies. Punches, kicks, and racial epithets

ensued until the cracker was curled into a fetal

position in a futile attempt to keep his brain within

his skull--a skull endangered by the mere fact that

its covering was unacceptably pale for the present

social milieu .

The moment George Zimmerman was acquitted,

Levi, Lemar, George, and Tyrone began their

daily patrols in search of those who were

unfortunately possessed of that same accursed

paleness of skin, that shameful albatross, the

collective shame of white guilt.

The youths, all descendants of slaves, were bound

by the collective suffering of their people, and

together they vowed to take back their pride by

avenging their ancestors on the progeny of the

historic oppressors of their kind. This was no

ordinary beating. This was revolutionary social


Chris was blinded by repeated blows to his face

with a tire iron and his guts were subjected to

kicks so hard that he coughed up blood. "This is

for Trayvon, you creepy ass cracker!" was the last

thing he ever heard.

Levi, the leader, took the old man's wallet and

inspected the driver's license. "Dis here is his

address. Let's go rough up his ol' lady. Who

wants old cracka pussy?" The three teenagers

raised their bloodied fists in a show of solidarity.

This would be their third rape-party this week.

"Maybe we can jack his ride, go wildin

downtown? Hit de clubs?" Tyrone asked


"Bitch ass nigga, you too young to git in da club.

Bitch ass nug," Lamar berated, passing Tyrone a lit

joint, starting an impromptu "choom session."

"Both ya'll shut up. We'll git buck wild tonight,

dis shit is on." Levi assured them, grabbing his

crotch. He used his Obamaphone to download

directions to the address on the dead man's

driver's license. "Let's collect payment, my nigguz.

What, huh, yo?" He lead the way.

Chapter 7, "Foh da fun of it"

Christopher went out for a jog. The night was cool

and the twenty-two year old college student

decided it might be a fun excursion to check out

the neighbourhood where his girlfriend grew up.

They were vacationing at her parent's house in

Duncan, a small town of perhaps twenty thousand

people. He was attending an Oklahoma college on

a baseball scholarship and was in the best shape of

his life.

He set an easy pace, barely breaking a sweat. He

approached a fork in the road and went left

without giving it much thought. The eyesore of

dilapidated houses and trailers did nothing to

dampen the exquisite beauty of the moonlit night;

on the contrary, the serenity seemed to cure his

surroundings of its ugliness. That is, until he

jogged passed the house where Michael Jones


Michael Jones was sitting on his porch reciting rap

lyrics and nodding his head fervently. His two

companions, Chancey and James, stared blankly

into the night, their brains still on fire from the

meth the three of them had just finished snorting.

All three of them were teenagers. Angry, black,

unsupervised teenagers.

They watched Christopher jog by. He was tall, fit,

handsome, and confident. Michael looked at James

and lifted his shirt, exposing the handle of his 32

caliber pistol. "Day is our target, yo." He spoke in

a low voice and walked out to the car, his two

cronies right behind him. "White devil."

Christopher glanced at the three, but didn't register

alarm. Three kids. Younger than the ones on his

team. It did not occur to him that they represented

a threat. What black youth at their age didn't wear

gang attire or affect a hostile disposition? After all,

they were black, which meant that they were

victims of an unjust society. An empathetic person

by nature, Christopher chose to live and let live.

He didn't fear his fellow humans, and though he

wasn't a descendent of slave-owners, he still felt

that as a white person, he was born privileged and

therefore he didn't allow himself to assess blacks

in a negative light.

His breathing took on the familiar rhythm as he

found his optimal pace. He could run all night like

this. A low rider car with tinted windows pulled

up beside him, headlights off, but radio blaring.

The words being rapped were easily discernible.

"...They claim I'm violent, cause I refuse to be

silent, these hypocrites are having fits...."

They were intentionally keeping up with him. He

looked but could not see in their faces in the

darkness. The passenger windows were down.

The rap lyrics were from 2-Pac. Christopher's

friends in Australia, where he was born and raised,

were all fans of the late rapper. In fact, he knew

the next lyrics to this rap song by heart, "I rebel

against any oppressor, it's self-defence so I show

no mercy, when the shit gets thick..."

Christopher picked up his pace with a growing

sense of alarm. The car sped up along with him.

His breathing grew more laboured and his heart

rate picked up----not from exertion but from fear.

He saw a hand reach out from the car, a hand

carrying a pistol.. No! It can't be, he thought.

"What! Why?" He yelled, and stopped on the

side-walk, making an abrupt one-eighty, already

attempting to evade the inevitable.

A black youth with a blue bandanna around his

mouth answered. "Foh da fun of it, cracker!" an

instant before the shots rang out. Christopher's

body hit the side-walk. It felt like he was being

pounded with sledgehammers. As a baseball

player, he had been beaned by an errant pitch three

or four times in his life, but never had he felt such

concentrations of concussive energy as that which

exploded his ribcage as he helplessly absorbed

bullet after bullet.

The last thing he saw was the moonlit sidewalk

drenched in blood, his own, and the mysterious

car from which he heard laughter and the final

words he would hear:  "This is for Trayvon!" as

the final bullet split his forehead open, ending his

otherwise idyllic life.

Chapter 8:  Knock on Peckerwood

The elderly man exited the Veterans Lodge. It was

like any other day: a blessing and a beautific

expression of God's perfection. Though he was a

soldier in World War II and had the scars to

prove it, his world-view was never tainted by the

darkness he confronted. His was of a different

generation. Strong men and supportive women

united in defence of common values. The youth of

today were, by comparison, rootless, weak, and


For close to nine decades upon this earth---or

flying above it---this man exemplified the Greatest

Generation; by contrast, he was a living testament

to the cultural barbarism and degeneracy of the

Generations X, Y, Z, and Generation IPod.

Selfless service had been transmuted into

solipsism and self-absorption. Perhaps it was this

vast cultural divide which prevented Tyrone and

Lamar from feeling a common humanity with him.

Tyrone and Lamar were the two black youth who,

having failed to turn up anything significant after a

night of burglary, were particularly drawn to such

an easy target. There they were: large, strong, and

armed with metal flashlights and a desire for social

justice, their own piece of the American Pie. And

there he was, white, old, rich, and probably the

descendant of slave-owners.

"Him is a peckerwood cracka." Tyrone muttered.

"Rich bitch, make me itch," he grabbed his crotch.

Lamar was silent but his eyes spoke volumes.

Within those coal black eyes was a veritable black

hole of hunger, of endless greed, the very soul of

avarice, and a barbaric, reptilian concept of

resources and how to acquire them. Lamar


Tyrone straightened out his do-rag and led the

way, blocking the elder from entering his vehicle.

"Hey creepy-ass old cracker! Gonna get me some

social justice for Trayvon!" He held out a black

hand. The elder looked up and shrugged, reaching

into his wallet. He produced two crisp twenty

dollar bills, and handed them over. The media

blackout on the subject of black on white violence

prevented the reality of his situation from

occurring to him.

"Listen boys," he began. "When I was your age, I

didn't ask for a handout. I got a job....."  Those

were the last words he ever uttered.

"BOYS? YOU HEAR DAT?!" Lamar fumed. "That

is racist!" Lamar swung the metal flash-light onto

the old man's skull. It sounded hollow, he thought,

like knocking on a watermelon.

Tyrone wasted no time. He put his knee on the

elder's ribs and proceeded to pulverize every bone

in the inert body. Lamar followed suit. They

worked up a sweat before they got up and walked

back home.

"Too bad he ain't have a pussy." Lamar lamented.

The two boys laughed. Tyrone produced their

victim's wallet.

"He do have a fly crib, yo. Dat a good place to

bring sum ass and hos and crack." Tyrone was

looking at the address on man's driver's license. In

addition to taking whatever they could carry, the

Department of Social Justice would deposit fifty

dollars into their EBT cards for every white

household they invaded.  They Obamaphoned up

the address and were off, two wild dogs on the

scent of a good meal...

Chapter 9:  Hot Dogs and Apple Pie

Bob made a decent living as a hot-dog vender at

the Home Depot around the corner from his

modest home. To be fair, he sold much more than

hot-dogs; many of his customers arrived early for

the weekend projects and so he filled the demand

for coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Many others

arrived later in the day, and for them, he provided

a wide array of dinner items and desserts. The

most popular item in the evening was the

apple-pie, and he helped himself to a slice as he

read the evening paper.

"Wow." His eyes scanned over the headlines in


'95% of White People are Nasty' according to the

latest Pew poll.'
'White on Black Discrimination at All Time High'
'Is There Room in the Constitution for Social


As a hard working American, Bob never felt that

he had oppressed anyone. He had to presume that

the racism was out there, somewhere, but just by

watching people interact as they set about building

up their homes, it wasn't evident.He was friends

with gays, blacks, whites, young and old. They all

found common ground in the act of building their

lives and enjoying hot-dogs and apple pie.

Perhaps it was his blinding optimism which left

him open for what came next.

WHAM! He jumped up, spilling his coffee and

knocking his pie onto the floor of the hot-dog

stand---a stand which was now rocking on it's

axles. He looked over the counter and there was a

small mob of African-American youth slamming

the front counter with hammers. Another one was

sifting through the  tip jar. "Hey, cut that out!" A

hammer swing grazed his nose and he jumped

away from the counter, staggering back into the

opposite wall.

Before Bob could get his bearings, two of the

youths had climbed into the cramped compartment,

one of them squashing Bob to the ground like an

insect, and the other one emptying the cash

register. Bob strained to speak but his words were

cut short by the raining blows of a stolen hammer

which still had the price tag hanging off the handle.

He could not have known it, but the blood which

gushed from his open cranium and soaked into the

pages of the USA TODAY obscured a reference to

a crime in Memphis which occurred two days

prior. The article described how a couple of

teenagers dragged an old man into an abandoned

parking lot, doused him with gasoline, and burned

him to death. The article made no mention of the

fact that the victim was a white, blue-collar worker

or that the perpetrators were racist, black


Nor could Bob possible have known that just as

his savage killer screamed "Dis is for Trayvon!",

so too were those the last words heard by that

innocent victim in Memphis as his flesh was set

ablaze. None of the perpetrators or victims in any

of these seemingly unrelated incidents could

possibly know they were being manipulated by

hidden forces, or that these violent outbreaks were

the result of a carefully engineered social and

cultural climate.

Chapter 10

The couple pulled up into an intersection near their

near their Brooklyn apartment. The traffic light

turned green but the cross-walk was full of

teenagers. Black teenagers. The driver, a white

male, honked the horn.

"Ronnie just be patient, let 'em cross!" Annie didn't

like the look of them. Young yes, but these were

not like the teenagers she grew up with. She and

Ronnie were barely ten or fifteen years older than

the small mob which began to surround their car,

but the generation gap seemed to span much

longer than a decade and a half. These kids seemed

to have come from another era, or another country

at the very least. They jumped on the hood, kicked

the lights, banged on the glass, yelling slurs:



them taunted, licking the wind-shield and dry

humping the passenger side door.

"That's it!" Ronnie stepped out to assess the

damage. Other motorists passed on by giving the

black mob a wide berth. "Okay, someone is going

to have to pay for this! You destroyed my

property you brats!" Ronnie was angry but not

violent. He was righteously indignant, but lacked

the temperament to intimidate them. If anything, his

obvious inexperience with making overt displays

of aggression only egged them on. Even the

smallest of the males easily outweighed Ronnie by

twenty-five pounds, all of it muscle.

When the first of many clenched fists made contact

with his face, he knew he was outmatched. He

knew that Annie was in mortal danger and that he

made a big mistake standing up for himself.

"Get those crackers!" "Kill whitey!" "Rape that

white whore! Gimme dat ass! Creepy ass-crackas,"

they cajoled as they beat the couple senseless. A

white face hits the pavement, ten black faces laugh;

a white face is "tea-bagged" in a humiliating and

obscene display, ten black faces cheer; a white

face bleeds from the mouth, a black face grins; a

black leg kicks, a white person goes unconscious;

black penises violates white orifices in broad

daylight, and passersby both black and white give

it their tacit approval; blacks from a sense of Social

Justice, whites out of sheer terror.

The teenage girl, perhaps thirteen years of age but

already wearing the green armband of the Obama

Truth Squad screams "fuck that white whore!

Harder! Make it bleed for Trayvon! We demand

blood for blood! Slavery for slavery. Crackers,

you our niggas now!"

A U.N. World Police squad vehicle arrived. The

driver, Officer Rangel, rolled down the window

and, noting the young lady's green armband,

moved on to more pressing matters. For instance,

a white landlord was attempting to evict a black

tenant over unpaid rent. "The landlord will have to

be tasered, detained, psychologically evaluated,

and sent to a Re-education Center," he began

listing the day's tasks aloud. "A back up unit will

have to be called in to assist the black tenant on

becoming the new landlord. Ah, the work of a

Social Justice Crusader is never done!"

The squad car left the scene, as did the youth.

They left in the couple's car, as was their right, for

might was on their side and the Rule of Law had

been overruled by Executive Order. The Law of

the Jungle was the new law. "Do What Thou Wilt"

replaced "One Nation Under God," and the youth

responded accordingly.

Ronnie and Annie died within minutes of one

another. The attack was over and peace and calm

re-established its tenuous foothold over the

intersection, all within the span of three red-light to

green-light cycles. Sadly for their children, death

would not be so hasty. After all, they were now

squatters in the home now owned by the black

youth. Such is the nature of redistributive justice.